Bobby McCray 2009 Super Bowl Game Worn Jersey - 2/7/2010 - -Presumably Worn in the 1st Half of the Game A Saints Memorabilia dealer stated the Saints wore a different set of jerseys for the 1st and 2nd half of the Super Bowl. They also said that 1 set may have been intended to go to the Hall of Fame. But, another source, told me they personally helped a player get the pair of his first and second half game worn jerseys framed for the player following the Super Bowl... This jersey does not match the close-ups I've compared to Bobby McCray at the end of the game by comparison of the neck shield position on the collar. So this jersey was not worn in the 2nd half of Super Bowl XLIV. But the same collar position matches the jersey he wore before the game in a video still announcing the starting players at each position.. The jersey exhibits some scratches in the material above the nameplate on the black, like an opposing player had grabbed the material on his jersey and caused it during a play. Not much other use shown, it has definitely been laundered. Bobby McCray was involved in one tackle in the first half of the Super Bowl XLIV. With :51 Seconds left in the half, the Colts were winding down the clock and McCray got a key tackle on 3rd down of Mike Hart, Dallas Clark is shown grabbing at the back of McCray's jersey in the photo below. This stoppage by the Saints forced the Colts to punt, which set up a Hartley field goal as time expired in the first half.